Monday, 18 August 2014

Healthy Cooking Oils, What to Use & When.

I wanted to use this blog to clear up a few things with regards to what oils to cook with and what just to keep for your salad dressings. Some oils are super healthy but as soon as they are heated hot for cooking purposes they fundamentally change from a good oil to bad! Below are three oils that I like to use and most importantly what I will use them for.

If you are using Extra Virgin Olive Oil for cooking then stop now! This seems to me to be the most common mistake that people make and is the main reason I wrote this piece. Extra virgin olive oil ideally cold pressed is supper healthy and great on salads and added to foods after cooking. It tastes great and generations of folk from the Mediterranean swear by it. However it spoils over temperatures of 160 degree C, at that point it becomes bad for you, so in a work don't use it for cooking. So many people labour under the illusion its great for cooking with, its not! Light Olive oil fares better at high temperatures however lacks many of the health benefits as is far more processed. So personally I would steer clear of it.

For cooking:

Avocado Oil: has just about the highest burn temperature out there so for cooking that requires very high temperatures use this. I find it also has a nice flavour and use it when I cook things in a frying pan, omelettes for example. Its also not to as pricey as you might think.

Coconut Oil: This has a lower burn temperature than Avocado however is still good for lots of cooking at lower temperatures, ideal for a substitute for butter for cakes for example, plus for curries its very tasty. Just dont get it smoking, as that means too hot!

There you have it, nice and simple. Three oils for all occasions.

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